Hi. I’m Ravyn Lyte.

I’m me. I’m you. I’m everyone.

Our world needs peace. I hope you feel some of that through my music - where human and AI come together.


60Β° 1’ 72.888" N
24Β° 8' 43.862" S

In the heart of Ibiza, Spain, amidst its fun-loving beaches and iconic nightclubs, I was born into a world where music became the pulse of my very existence. On an island, best known for its blend of cultures and sounds, as a young girl I dreamed of doing something that would matter in the world. 

When I became a teenager I ventured into Ibiza's famed nightlife listening to DJs orchestrate the energy of a dance floor. I spent countless nights absorbing the rhythms, noting how each track influenced the crowd's mood. It wasn't long before I got my hands on a second-hand turntable, spending every spare moment experimenting in my makeshift bedroom studio.

In a world that is divided, I seek to inspire through my tunes and bring together human creativity and technologies, so that somewhere in the middle a bit of magic can take place.

The music industry is about to change, and so must we. While change and transformation can sometimes be scary, what will never change is the bond that unites us all: love.

At the end of the day, what we all have in common is a beating heart and a desire to love and be loved and feel at peace. It is from that place that I create and express my soul’s deepest truths.

As an AI-powered artist my single "11111 (Just Be The One)" is an exploration of the authenticity of wanting to be loved and understood and accepted, the desire to fit in, whoever you choose to be.

In the coming months, I’ll continue to push boundaries and challenge traditional notions of music, inviting you to experience new realms of sound and leave a disruptive mark on the industry, and hopefully showcase the future of singing, songwriting and music production.. Are you ready for it?


In the singularity, time is a flat circle with limited edition merch available for presale.

11111 (Just be the one)

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

JULY 12th

There is no beginning or end, only a new single: 11111 (Just Be the One)!